Friday, April 20, 2007

Metropolitan びじゅつかん

このしゅうまつには、わたしの友達のたんじょうびです。きょう、ほかの友達といっしょにパーティーをしたから、すごかった。わたしのともだち Oliviaは とても surprised いましたよ。わたしたちは ケ-きを つくったり、おんがくの じゅんびをしたり、しました。ぜんぶ、たのしくて、すてきな  たんじょうびの パーティーでした。あしたのごごから、Oliviaと Metropolitan Museum of Artに 行きたいです。そこで あたらしい Gaudi とDali exhibitが あるからです。Gaudi とDaliは スパインの(Spain)とても ゆめいなsurrealist paintersいたから、わたしの いちばん だいすきな paintersです。I am so excited! Metropolitan びじゅつかんに ときどき いきますが、ことし わたしはとても いそがしくて、びじゅつかんに あまり いきませんでしたね。It's been such a long time since I've visited the Met. また、あした てんきが あたたかくて、いいでしょう。Central Parkも さんぽしたいです。

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Gaikoku no firumu

Hi everyone,

Is anyone interested in foreign films? I personally don't know much about foreign cinema, actually I don't watch much television period. I have heard from some of my friends that the German movie, "The Lives of Others" is really good and I was wondering if anyone had seen it? Do you recommend it? I am trying to expose myself to different films, independent films, foreign films etc. because I thought it was about time that I be more informed. I have been told that many times foreign films are much better than American produced films. They can really open your eyes to things we, living in the US, don't really experience or know about. Two weeks ago I did watch the Spanish film "Volver "and I fell in love with it, just because it was different from what I grew up watching on television. Is there any other films you guys would recommend?

Have a great weekend!!
