Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What Spring break???

Sometimes I ask myself, what kind of spring break is this??? I came up with a long list of things that needs to be done this "spring break" and this list goes on for pages and pages!! Not only do I have work for all of my classes (horrible!), I have some extra projects to do as well. Never mind the many promises I made my friends about hanging out with them during our week off. 今、うちに ひとりで いますね。わたしの かぞくと ともだちは はたらいて いるんです。そして、わたしは さびしいいですよ。あっさてから, all I've done is nap and watch TV! すばらしいですよ。I'm finally making up for all those days' worth of missing sleep and exhaustion. Apart from sleeping, I am trying to get as much work out of the way as I can. However, it seems impossible for me to do everything I have to do. How crazy is this? I don't remember the last time I had this much work over any break!!! I guess this is what college is all about! I have to admit, I am jealous of everyone that is laying on the beach right now...in a different country...living a different life...enjoying this break properly....I wish that were me:{ If I had a choice, I would love to be in the Bahamas right now...with my friends...enjoying a cold smoothie and sunbathing...(doesn't that sound great?)

On another note, I really want to see foreign film this week.  どのえいがを みたら いいですか。しって いますか。どこで よくて、外国語のえいがを みに いったら いいですか。
Any suggestions??

I hope everyone is enjoying themselves!!


yukki said...


外国のえいがが見たいんですか。DVDを借りたらどうですか。日本のえいがだったら,ともだちが「だれもしらない」(Nobody knows)がいいといっていましたよ。

Lidia Bardhi said...

わたしの春休は よかったですが、つかれましたね。しょくだいが できて、ミドターモ(MIDTERM)を れんしゅうできて、たくさん ねました。

外国えいがが まだ みませんでした。ともだちは わたしに "The Lives of Others えいがは とても おもしろい” といいました。ドイツの えいがです。It also got very good reviews and won something at the Academy Awards! Maybe I will see that!

TK said...

こんばんは! ざんえんですね。。なつやすみまで がんばって、たくさん あそんで ください! i was alone staying in my dorm in my first thanksgiving and i felt horrible even though i slept and ate again and again.. so i decided to go somewhere every break, now it feels like i took a rest and got some energy..